Monday, June 4, 2012

Richard Bigus fonts

Back in March of 2010, The Bieler Press produced a broadside showing a specimen of the metal foundry typeface Claudius Fraktur. It also introduced (as the colophon) the first showing and letterpress printing of a digital font, BigSpur, designed by Richard Bigus, the highly respected fine press printer/publisher (Labyrinth Editions). It has the best built-in kerning I have ever had the pleasure of setting with. Recent news is that his second typeface, BigSans, has been accepted by Monotype Imaging for distribution later this year on their site.

Richard is currently working on a new typeface, OldStyle Roman, a Jensen, and we will be printing some letterpress specimens of this in the near future. It is possible that these and other material could evolve into the publication of a small pamphlet showing the proof states and revisions of the font. Stay tuned.